Why choose us?
Our company has extensive knowledge and experience. Providing advice on setting up projects for the production of renewable energy of any kind, opening a portfolio for connecting electricity to the IEC network, making plans and meeting the requirements of the electricity company for connecting the customer, performing simulations, planning, providing a detailed and professional answer.
Our company is headed by Cohen Shai, a senior engineer who has years of experience in the field and is also setting up the first solar project in the country to generate electricity with Arava Power.
Our company employs lawyers, professors, film engineers and other experienced professionals in the field who know how to provide a professional service in accordance with the schedules, regulations and requirements that must be expected from a company that provides unrivaled service for the benefit of its clients.
Some examples of companies that work with us:
Willow farms.
Nofar Energy.
Gazit Globe.
Ministry of Defense.
Yehuda Networks.
Willow Power.
The city of the Baha'is.
Consulting and working with the largest companies in the Israeli economy and around the world.